Makua Aloha Center, Inc.

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Encountered either lost  a friend or seen one carried away in a Medevac.
Faced improvised explosive devices, mortar rounds, rockets and small arms fire on a daily basis.

Eventually, they recognized that someone on their side was continually putting them in harms way. They come to trust only each other, and the outside world became irreverent.

Their team of snipers was compromised, and all of them were killed.

Recovered the weapons of fallen their comrades.

Their troop transport vehicle was hit by a massive improvised explosive device and their squad was killed and felt the true meaning of loneliness.

Ordered to continue with the mission as though nothing had happened.

Arrived home, “it seemed surreal.” They felt out of place at home than in Iraq.

They isolated themselves from friends and family and dwelled in their emptiness.

Families of those called, “my brothers,” only to accept the loss of my best friends. “I was drunk and angry.”


A 2004 study of 6,000 military personnel involved in ground combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan found that of those whose responses indicated a mental health problem, only 23 to 40 percent sought psychiatric help. Many who did not seek treatment cited fear of being stigmatized as a reason.

“You’re trained to be a warrior, to suck it up and perform the mission.”

Struggled with alcoholism and attempted suicide.

Many veterans don’t feel safe disclosing information after the ridicule and abuse following Vietnam.

“After serving, may veterans have a difficult time fitting back into this culture.”

Veterans Day and Memorial Day events may trigger certain emotions in veterans.

“Nightmares about a road bomb explosion that killed members of their rifle squad. He as the lone survivor.”

“The closest guys I ever had as friends were all dead.”

Incidents left them with intense feelings of anger.

“I looked back at the accident site and saw guys throwing blankets over the body parts.” “I went up on the roof and just wanted to start shooting anything moving that wasn’t wearing desert cammies. After that, everywhere I went I thought I’d see my old buddies.”


Not every returning veterans may be haunted by memories so intense, all of us are already serving veterans, so it's our job to learn how to serve them better.